Portfolio Dashboard Upgrades
The Overview dashboard has been split out into 3 tabs (Financial, Performance, and Assets), in an effort to remove unhelpful data, make each dashboard less overwhelming and highlight the most crucial metrics to track and drive project success.
Some interesting metrics that these dashboards show:
- Average revenue per user (ARPU) trends over time
- Households per usage (Wh) range, compared to the percentage of total revenue that user group generates for the customer
- Numerous indicators of lost/wasted revenue opportunities (due to low asset utilisation, no credit top-ups, offline pods)
- Full summary of assets, including installations over time

Support Chatbot
There is now a chatbot embedded in Harvest! We are encouraging our customers to ask for help if they can’t find a feature, don’t understand something in the platform, or feel something is missing.
This is our first use of an AI tool in Harvest, and our goal is to lower our manual support effort as we scale, give customers a better UX as they can get questions answered faster and be directed into the support flow smoothly, and help us learn more about our product gaps, misunderstandings, and opportunities.

Advanced Reporting Data Exports
As our customers grow and scale, they have also uncovered different types of data analyses that help them diagnose issues, identify opportunities, and help them with their ongoing monitoring and maintenance. To support these needs, we’ve created a new “Reporting” page, which consolidates a few scattered export options that existed previously, and expands the range of data export options for our customers.